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AIM Screennames
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Single Player
Dodgeball Slime
One Slime
Power Slime
Rugby Slime
Slime BasketB
Slime Bowling
Slime Soccer
Slime Volleyball
Dodgeball Slime
AllStar Slime
Flying Slime
Power Slime
Rugby Slime
Slime BasketB
Slime Bowling
Slime Cricket
Slime Soccer
Slime Squash
Slime Volleyball
Slime Athlete
Game List


If you're having trouble running our games, please review this brief document for information about how to start playing as quickly as possible.
When I try to open a game, I do not so much as see shaded region where the activity should run.
Most modern browsers support a technology called "Java" upon which all slime games are built. Encountering a problem such as that detailed above could be an indication that you are running an older browser that does not support Java. Please download and install the latest version of either Internet Explorer or Netscape; afterwards, attempts to run our games should succeed.
I see a gray area (with or without a red "X" in the top-left corner) instead of seeing the game I tried to access.
A red "X" and a gray area appearing where a slime game should indicates an older version of Java; fortunately, upgrades are readily available at no cost.
These symptoms usually result when a computer or web browser is running an older version of Java technology, the platform upon which all slime games are built. To fix this problem, visit the Java web site and click "Get it Now" from the "Free Download" box at the top-right of the screen. Follow the instructions and approve all prompts during installation. Once finished, close all web browesr windows and restart (if prompted). When you return to SlimeAthlete, our games should function properly.
If you continue to experience problems running slime games after reviewing this document, please contact us at and we will do our best to help you get up-and-running with all that SlimeAthlete has to offer.
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